Constituency Boundary Changes are back
2016 – 2018
Tell the boundary commission NOW!!!!
We only have until Monday 5th of December
to respond to the boundary commission proposal to annex Stroud Green into Tottenham
Like a bad penny, Constituency Boundary Changes are back on the agenda and a new process of consultation has just began (13.9.2016) We've been there, done that, and successfully opposed it before, but here we are all over again. The public consultation is now under way until the 5th of December 2016. Final proposals will not be made until 2018.

“66. We are consulting on our initial proposals for a 12-week period, from 13 September 2016 to 5 December 2016. We encourage everyone to give us their views on our proposals for their area – the more public views we hear and the more local information that is provided, the more informed our decisions will be when analysing all the views we have received.”
What can we do to stop it?
The most important thing is to respond to the consultation! Some of you may be familiar with it all and for some this would be the first time you hear about it. We hope this page will help you find all the information you need to submit your comments to the Boundary Commission.
If you responded to the proposals of 2011,
Hopefully you still have a copy of it – please resubmit your comments – it worked last time it was proposed 5 years ago, GreenN8 campaigned against the proposed change and the boundary commission responded positively to Stroud Green residents’ opposition, by agreeing the Stroud Green should stay as is part of Hornsey and Wood Green. Details of the 2013 revised plan are below.
For more information read this report by the Boundary Commission for England
Initial proposals for new Parliamentary constituency boundaries in the London region
A Public Meeting with Catherine West MP of Hornsey and Wood Green
Was held today Thursday 24 November 18:00 – 20:00 In St Aidans Primary School, Stapleton Hall Road the meeting was filmed and part 1 is already available to watch here Public meeting about the proposed boundary changes. You can also find there the content of the leaflet produced for the meeting which include very good points too.
Tell Others about it – make it viral
It is important that many Stroud Green residents respond to this consultation. Please spread this far and wide to all your friends and neighbours, make it viral – Comment on it on youtube, share it, favour it, Like it, Twit it, blog it, embed the video to your site, blog, or facebook page…
Watch the 2011 video – it makes all the points the commission will consider?
What a difference 5 years make: different MP, different councillors, slightly different proposal, but when it comes to Stroud Green the Boundary commission seems to have reverted and are proposing to annex us to Tottenham all over again. So although the video is … well, dated … the views and reasoning as to why we should stay were we are, are well made and are as relevant today as they were 5 years ago.
What arguments the commission may take into account:
The rules the Boundary Commission will follow when considering representations from the public:
- special geographical considerations, including the size, shape and accessibility of a constituency;
- local government boundaries as they existed on 6 May 2010;
- boundaries of existing constituencies;
- any local ties that would be broken by the proposal
What has changed from the 2011/2013? proposals
2011 |
Reduction in the number of constituencies in England from 533 to 502 |
Constituencies must have an electorate that is no smaller than 72,810 and no larger than 80,473 |
The London region has been allocated 68 constituencies – a reduction of 5 from the current arrangement of 73. |
In Haringey, we noted that the Hornsey and Wood Green constituency could be left unchanged, but in order to accommodate changes elsewhere, we propose to include one ward (Stroud Green) in the Tottenham constituency. We also propose to include one Enfield ward (Bowes) from the existing Enfield, Southgate constituency in the Hornsey and Wood Green constituency. There were other changes to Tottenham as illustrated in the video above |
From the 2013 Revised proposal document
The boundary commission had listened to the voice of people in Stroud Green and agreed it should stay where it is:
“AC26 The Commission received many representations about individual wards, including opposition to: …linking Stroud Green ward with Tottenham, rather than Hornsey and Wood Green; ..”
“AC87 In Haringey, the Commission noted that the existing Hornsey and Wood Green constituency could be left unchanged (IPs, paragraph 38). In order to accommodate London 25 26 London Report by the Assistant Commissioners on London changes elsewhere, the Commission proposed that Stroud Green ward in the existing constituency should be part of a proposed Tottenham constituency and that Bowes ward in the existing Enfield, Southgate constituency should be included in Hornsey and Wood Green (see paragraph AC82).”
“AC88 The proposal that Stroud Green should be included in a Tottenham constituency received very little support, and was opposed by a large number of people and organisations, including all three Parliamentary parties, the present councillors for Stroud Green ward (IP/025512),11 and the Stroud Green Residents’ Association (IP/023119). Many respondents emphasised that this proposal would break local ties between Stroud Green and other Hornsey wards. We have therefore decided that Stroud Green ward should be part of a Hornsey and Wood Green constituency.”
“AC90 In order to satisfy the electorate range, we have concluded that the Islington ward of Hillrise should be placed in the Hornsey and Wood Green constituency. While Hillrise ward would be a single Islington ward in an otherwise Haringey constituency, our recommendation enables us to strike a better balance between the statutory factors across North London. We recommend, therefore, a Hornsey and Wood Green constituency containing Alexandra, Bounds Green, Crouch End, Highgate, Hornsey, Muswell Hill, Noel Park, Stroud Green, and Woodside wards in Haringey, together with Hillrise ward. As the existing constituency would remain largely unchanged, we recommend that the existing name should be retained. The remaining Haringey wards (Harringay, St Ann’s, Seven Sisters, Tottenham Green, and West Green) should be contained in a constituency with Hackney wards (see paragraph AC92). “
2016 |
Reduction in the number of constituencies in England from 533 to 501. |
Constituencies to contain no fewer than 71,031 electors and no more than 78,507. |
no change |
In Haringey, we propose a Hornsey and Wood Green constituency, which retains nine of its current wards, and includes the Enfield borough ward of Bowes from the existing Enfield, Southgate constituency. These changes have been undertaken to ensure that the constituencies are within 5% of the electoral quota. The proposed Tottenham constituency retains all nine wards from the existing constituency, and adds Stroud Green ward from the existing Hornsey and Wood Green constituency, and results in a constituency that is completely within the borough boundary. |
Links to relevant information
- Boundary Commission Publications
- BBC News report
- 2011/2013 BC Archive site
- Data & resources
- Contacts
Boundary Commission for England,
35 Great Smith Street,
London SW1P 3BQ
Telephone:020 7276 1102
General enquiries:
Become a member and share your comments
If you already made your submission to the Boundary Commission Please share it here. It might help others form their response.
To be able to make comments on the GreenN8 web site, you will need be a logged in member. Membership is free and will enable you to interact and gain access to restricted content.
This proposal would break local ties between Stroud Green and other Hornsey wards.
Geographically, the east of Stroud Green is clearly defined by a major national railway line which has one narrow road and one footbridge linking it to the western edge of the current Tottenham constituency, whereas a myriad of road and transport links connect Stroud Green with the Hornsey and Wood Green constituency; in particular Crouch End and Finsbury Park.
Tottenham is currently undergoing major regeneration and investment to its eastern ward – my concern is that this emphasis would contribute to a lack of attention being given to a newly attached Stroud Green ward, hanging off the western peripheries.
There is a strong identity with Hornsey Vale / Crouch End. Our area is part of the Crouch End Neighbourhood Forum. Hornsey Vale would be split into two – local schools would be split across two constituencies – which may have a bearing on how future pupils are allocated places.
I wish to keep Stroud Green as part of Hornsey and Wood Green, and not to have it as part of Tottenham.
Stroud Green is part of Hornsey and Wood Green geographically. The Railway line going through Harringay station Hornsey station and Alexandra Park station is a very clear demarcation line geographically.
At a community level, Stroud Green is very much part of Hornsey and Wood Green. Community centres, schools, places of worship, etc., in Hornsey and Wood Green are used and attended by residents of Stroud Green. The change to Tottenham would be disruptive, and would result in residents feeling alienated and would lead to a serious and unfortunate decline in a take-up of these community facilities.